3.6.16 Indirect fire control. Elevation quadrant. At zero gun elevation and with the bubble centered in the level vial, the knob scale and index scale shall be adjusted to read zero. The reading on the quadrant shall correspond to the position of the gun within plus or minus 1 mil at all angles of elevation and depression. Azimuth indicator backlash. The backlash of the azimuth indicator shall not exceed 0.5 mil in any position of the turret. Leveling devices. The level on the ballistic drive shall be level within
15 minutes (three graduations) when the gun is at the boresight position.
3.6.17 Cupola weapon sighting system. Synchronization. The periscope line of sight shall be synchronized with the cupola machine gun so that the line of sight of the periscope maintains a given azimuth and elevation relationship (established at horizontal gun position) with the centerline of the machine gun bore within 1.8 mils at all gun positions between 10 depression and 30 elevation, and within 3 mils at all gun positions between 30 , and 50 elevation. Backlash. The elevation backlash of the cupola machine gun sighting system shall be not more than 0.6 mil at any position exclusive of machine gun free barrel movement. Boresight knob travel. The boresight knobs on the periscope shall be adjustable to a minimum of 5 mils down, 2 mils up, 4 mils left, and 4 mils right as measured from the boresight position. Boresight retention. The line of sight of commander periscope shall maintain previously established boresight within 1.5 mils. Interlock assembly location. The interlock assembly shall be located for azimuth coincidence of the machine gun line of sight and the main armament line of sight at
600 meters within 2 mils.
3.6.18 Support equipment hydraulic control system. Vehicle hydraulic control system. The vehicle hydraulic control system shall control the operation of the bulldozer, winch, and boom, and shall meet all requirments specified herein at an engine idle speed of 1100 rpm. Boom. The boom shall be hydraulically raised from the travel locks to a vertical position in not more than 45 seconds. The winch shall return the boom to within
6 inches of stowed position.
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