6.3 Safety precautions.
6.3.1 Carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, deadly poisonous gas which, when breathed, deprives the body of oxygen and causes suffocation. Exposure to air contaminated with carbon monoxide produces symptoms of flushed complexion, headache, dizziness, dimness of vision, nausea, apparent drowsiness, loss of muscular control. If exposure symptoms are evident, remove affected personnel from the area and treat as follows: expose to fresh air; keep warm; do not permit physical; if necessary, administer artificial respiration
6.3.2 Fire extinguisher. Caution should be exercised in handling carbon dioxide fire extinguisher cylinders. They should not be dropped, permitted to strike each other, or be handled roughly. Extreme care should be exercised during reinstallation to avoid tripping fire
extinguisher control system since physica1 injury is highly probable (see 4.7).
6.4 Process average. Sampling may be initiated if the process average value for the first twenty vehicles inspected is less than the AQL specified in the classification of defects for major and minor defects. If the computed process average exceeds the specified AQL, 100 percent inspection shall be performed and continued until such time that the process average for twenty consecutive vehicles is less than the specified AQL.
6.5 Definitions.
6.5.1 Leaks. The following definitions shall be used with the classification of defects (see
3.4.1, 3.4.2,, 4.6.4 and
a. Weep - Any non-recurring evidence of fluid beyond the seal.
b. Seep - Any recurring evidence of fluid beyond the seal that does not result in the formation of a droplet.
c. Droplet - Any recurring evidence of fluid beyond the seal that results in the formation of a non-falling drop.
d. Drop - A drop is defined as a volume of .05 cubic centimeters.
e. Drip - Any recurring evidence of fluid beyond the seal where a droplet forms and
6.6 Recycled materials. The use of recycled materials which meet the requirements of the applicable material specifications without jeopardizing the intended use of the item shall be encouraged (see 3.3).
6.7 Supersession data. This military specification supersedes M60PD-T-62222A(AT), dated 31 July 1981.
Custodian: Preparing activity: Army - AT Army - AT
(Project No. 2350-A308)
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